How do you know when students have completed the course?

Posted 9 months ago by Kristin Swank

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Kristin Swank

Good afternoon! I was wondering if anyone can provide me with some insight into how you all are notified to activate an account. Currently the last module of our course contains a link to an application. When this is filled out and submitted, it comes to our inbox, and populates to a spreadsheet. But recently it seems that nobody completes the module after the exam, even though we explicitly state that it exists multiple times. 

I thought I would reach out to the community to find out how you all handle this type of situation. Do you check throughout the day to see if new people have passed? Do you request that they contact you, or fill out an application of sorts? Just thought I would make use of this forum and folks that are using Coursettra in a similar way. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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Sean Bragg posted 9 months ago Admin

My gut tells me you are one of the first to register to this portal and post.   But please don't be discouraged if there are no replies yet.   We're starting to push everyone this direction, and anticipate participation will grow!   ;)

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