Retain Sort on Grid (when moving to a different tract)

Posted 5 months ago by Vance Shigemoto

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Vance Shigemoto

I had someone ask if it was possible to retain the "sort" on a grid when moving to a different tract. I mentioned it's not currently a thing but I can submit a suggestion that they may take in the future. The scenario is on the Document's Tab, if the grid was sorted on the Category column to have that sort retain when moving to another tract or on any other grid like on the Title Tab's entries? I mentioned I'm not sure and if it is done, I'm not sure if there's a trade-off with the length of time it would take for other things in the system. Wanted to submit this as something to review for a future enhancement (if it won't create a lag on everything else). 


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Swapna Thumati posted 3 months ago Admin

We will take this into consideration during the UI redesign project to accommodate this.

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